Ashokan Farewell for Solo, Ensemble, or with Voice + Lover's Waltz

Jay Ungar says this lament was a "tear in the eye" piece for his first performances. It is one of my favorite pieces. I hope you will learn it.

Here is a link to his family band performance: Jay Ungar and Molly Mason Family Band performance

Here is the piece with voice: Priscilla Herdman singing



The sun is sinking low in the sky above Ashokan

The pines and the willows know soon we will part

There's a whisper in the wind of promises unspoken

And a love that will always remain in my heart

My thoughts will return to the sound of your laughter

The magic of moving as one

And a time we'll remember long ever after

The moonlight and music and dancing are done

Will we climb the hills once more?

Will we walk the woods together?

Will I feel you holding me close once again?

Will every song we've sung stay with us forever?

Will you dance in my dreams or my arms until then?

Under the moon the mountains lie sleeping

Over the lake the stars shine

They wonder if you and I will be keeping

The magic and music, or leave them behind

Words by Grian MacGregor

Music by Jay Ungar



I can see the distant light, hear the music all surrounding,

That shatters the silence so heavy to bear,

Lifts my soul into the night, fills my heart with love abounding,

And brings me the peace we all surely will share.

Though it’s time for farewell, the time for the parting,

Whatever the dawn may bring,

You’ll be part of my heart, each living moment,

Come summer, come Autumn, come Winter, come Spring.

Words by Cleo Laine and John Dankworth

Music by Jay Ungar


More information including NPR interview about the writing the song:


Another piece that they wrote that is wonderful is Lover's Waltz:

Lover's Waltz video

This piece also works as a quartet with the viola and cello playing from the piano part.

Here is the piano part I transcribed for viola suitable for a quartet or string orchestra: 


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