Video Index, updated periodically

Video channel includes playlists of educational videos, performances, and nature videos.

Music learning videos are designed so the student can play along, rewind the tricky bits, and then each piece has a straight-through playing without talking. These are not perfect, but I hope they will be helpful.

It is vital that you continue to listen to the reference recordings with your book for tempo, intonation, and phrasing so when you are able to play in groups you will match the other participants.

Sara Penny
Bow as a Magic Wand: 
Video: Creating magic in your music. More ideas on musical interpretation: Ideas for music nuance

Setting Up a Small Child for Violin or Viola plus Rhythm Tools

Opening left hand and Balance: Relax left hand for better results

Videos for Pre-Twinkle Fun by Laurie Niles

Book I

Variation A (Mississippi Hotdog) for violin. The video starts with tuning notes, goes slowly saying the fingering, and then without any talking.

Variation B (Ice Cream and Popcorn) and Variation C (Grasshopper) for violin

Variation D (Beethoven) and E (Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich for violin

Twinkle Theme for violin, step by step and then straight through

Lightly Row, finger placement before bow moves.

Song of the Wind for violin, working on bow circles and round fingers

Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Includes a warm-up A major scale.

O Come Little Children for violin Check that you start up bow and do up - stop - up at the end of each line.

May Song, A scale and triads

Minuet with minor section by Bach:

Tricky solo for book 4Grizzly Bear in Vivaldi A minor 3rd mvt

Complete Vivaldi G minor Concerto with Orchestra  features Boris Kuschnir (violin)
Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra

Larghetto by Handel, Sonata #4

Fiddle learning videos:
Boil the Cabbage Down from Fairfield Fiddle Farm Volume 1, step by step instruction.
Short Bow Jig with Duet and Variations from Barrage Fiddle Club Volume 1
Cripple Creek, easier version from Fairfield Fiddle Farm Volume 1
Old Joe Clark, easier version
Devil's Dream
Red Wing
Wake Up Susie Reel

Donkey Doodle by Kroll

Barbara Barber Book 2:
Fantasia, Boy Paganini by Mollenhauer, learning ideas, not meant as a performance. Use Barbara Barber recording for reference recording for the complete piece without interruption.
Concerto in G Major, 1st movement by Oscar Rieding, broken into learning sections and then straight through each passage. Use Barbara Barber recording for reference recording for the complete movement without interruption.

Josef Gingold Solos for Violin, Collection
Allegro Spiritoso by Senaille
Tambourin by Mondonville
Waltz by Grieg

Let Us Have Music for the Violin, Carl Fischer publisher, Volume 1: La Cucaracha for violin solo

Learning Ornamentation with Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Performance of Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing  The description has a link for the music and also a link to the arranger's video.

Ashokan Farewell
Sicilienne by Fauré  with Sally Hunter

Christmas Music

The link for Lindsay Szczesny's recital is 2-22-22 recital is at Music starts at 5:00. Derek and Lelia are at 23:40. O Come Little Children is 38:30. Amy is in the teacher ensemble at 52:25. My quartet is at 1:00:00 (Borodin Nocturne). You will love the Fife family fiddling at the end at 1:12:00 Lindsay also plays viola, violin and has a duet with her student so the recital has a lot of variety.

William Starr Etude #13 (Beethoven Symphony #4, last mvt. excerpts)

Use starting in Book 2: Vibrato Basics
Waltz is a good place for this: Vibrato with Bow

Use by Lully Gavotte: Hrimaly shifting on one string,

More Shifting: Shifting on one string with Hrimaly and Kruetzer

Source for Kruetzer, Mazas, and other studies as well as several concerti: Bernard Chevalier
Search by putting in your etude, such as Mazas #5, on youtube and choose the Chevalier option.

Book 2:
mvt. 4:

Performance with Ling Yu and Sara Penny and the Orchestra of Southern Utah: Telemann Concerto for Two Violas with Orchestra of Southern Utah

Come, Holy Spirit with the theme and two improvisation variations by Sara on viola

Christmas Viola Pieces:
Understanding the physics of vibration demonstration:

More videos available that I did for Suzuki Strings Cedar City at

Use before Etude: High 2, low 2
Use from Twinkle and up: Finger patterns and exercises
Happy Farmer, getting the bowing organized
Use starting in Book 2: Vibrato Basics
Waltz is a good place for this: Vibrato with Bow
Use by Lully Gavotte: Hrimaly shifting on one string,
More Shifting: Shifting on one string with Hrimaly and Kruetzer
Tricky solo for book 4: Grizzly Bear in Vivaldi A minor 3rd mvt.

Here are existing videos from other teachers:
Viola book 1 video:

It is soooo hard to teach a new piece without being able to play with the students so I'm making more videos.  The videos are not perfect, but hopefully, they will help. Intonation and bowing are challenges. With the videos, you can stop and rewind the tricky bits.

Parents, please encourage good posture. It's hard to focus on hand positions, notes, bowing, etc. all at once.  Choose one thing to focus on at a time. On the next repetition choose another issue. My goal is three compliments to each correction. Help the students understand that the correction is just feedback, not a judgment. Just an effort to get a bit better.

On the harder pieces, I break it down and then play the whole piece. If you need a particular piece done let me know. I am willing to do supplementary music as well.


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