Poole's Poems and using broken thirds to teach Allegretto

Broken thirds are a useful way to tackle Allegretto.  Helping the students to see the scale patterns of adjacent notes and the triads of skips make the pieces easier to understand.  Where is the scale?  Where is the skip?  Video to help with Allegretto and Andantino

Poole's Poems are from teacher training from Lorraine Fink at teacher training at Intermountain Suzuki Strings Institute.  I highly recommend the teacher training available through ISSI and other institutes. (I was unable to find the author for the poems. If you know I will add to this post.)

Singing helps with pitch and rhythm.  If a child can sing in tune they can play their instruments in tune.  Encourage singing.  You can have the students make up their own words to a piece or even a tricky passage.  Having a song helps some students memorize more easily.  Others don't like having any words associated with the music so be sensitive to the individual student.

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