Summer and fall colors are a favorite. These are pretty random, but I hope you like them.
Concord grapes from a friend |
Afternoon light with prism reflections |
Sunflowers make me feel like summer |
Irish blessing: "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand." |
Cedar Canyon Walk |
Irrigation water froze on the golf course |
Fall leaves look like gold coins strewn on the grass. |
Just a few days before the full Blue Moon with Mars |
Enhanced color for valley sunset |
Same sunset with different edited colors |
Fire pit with enhanced color |
No editing, just a summer sky before a storm |
No editing, just natural colors in late afternoon |
Along Fairway Drive |
Paraglider at sunset |
Happy that the Cedar City Arts Council could help Cami Dailey with funds to make this stained glass window of agate and glass. |
The petunias at SUU and along Cedar City Main Street are wonderful all summer. Mine kind of come and go. |
Visiting bluebird on a windy day Squirrel on Cedar Mountain
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