Merry Christmas 2020

When we were children our parents had a monster open house with lots of food and fun. We even had Laurel and Hardy movies for the children downstairs. We cooked for weeks and every year Mom changed the color scheme for the Christmas tree. The blue/green one with white doves was particularly lovely.

This year we will have a quiet Christmas for two and will look forward to when we can have company and students in our home again. Last year I was too overwhelmed to decorate, but we got out everything for this year. It reminds me of the people who gave us these decorations.

We are well and send best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful 2021.

Sara and Des

Merry Christmas from Sara and Des 2020

Christmas Carols:

Click on the title for the video

Sing along to Jingle Bells and Rudolph

O Holy Night on viola

Wexford Carol on viola

Lo, How the Rose E’er Blooming on viola

Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates on viola

At Home:

Wreath from my mother from our first Christmas back in Cedar after living in Salt Lake, Ireland, and Texas. I keep adding bling.

The double-paned glass and reflection add extra layers of light.

We look over Christmas Lane

Jan Harrison gave us the angel. So many of the ornaments remind me of friends, family, and students.

December moon adds more sparkle
We have used mostly red, gold, and white since 1976, when we moved to Texas from Ireland.

This was a family project when the children were small. We sewed on the sequins.

We have four wreaths. This one reminds me of our Spanish orchestra concert because I made corsages and boutonnieres with red and white flowers. The red flowers are leftovers from that project.

The Fir Tree story in the collection is one of my Christmas favorites. Embroidery by Andrea. One of the snowglobes is from the Carousel Quartet days when Brian was in elementary school.

Our view out the kitchen window.

This nativity was given to me after a Frontier Homestead Christmas performance.

I think our cactus is a Thanksgiving cactus, but it keeps going for Christmas

Brian made the yarn eye in Discovery School as a child.
Poinsettia thanks to Roice and Andrea

Christmas tree pillows thanks to Linda Hartley and the Celtic pillow was made by Grandma Hafen.

We don't have a fireplace so the coat rack becomes a stocking tree complete with the violin arrangement  Liz Barker made. Grandma Hafen made some of the stockings.

Grandma Hafen made this nativity. It was a popular church project. 

There are also wooden soldiers, lots of angel figurines, etc., but you get the idea. I'm a packrat and it is handy for Christmas. I may leave it all up through January just to have the Christmas tree lights.

Community Light Favorites:

Fairway Drive a bit farther south than our house.

Between the Cove and Leigh Hill

A favorite from Christmas Lane

December full moon at Christmas Lane

Shakespeare Center

Moon over the Utah Shakespeare Festival Christmas lights

Juliet with early December moon

Midsummer Night's Dream statue featuring Bottom and Puck

Frontier Homestead State Park:

In Parowan: 

Davis light show has a radio link for music and includes some videos. 

Davis lights in Parowan video

On the main drag near the library in Parowan

A particularly lovely home display in Parowan

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Safe and Wonderful 2021


  1. Merry Christmas. Beautiful decorations and homes. Does the family on Leigh Hill still overload the electric grid? -Jeff. Https://

    1. I doubt there are electrical problems because there are several homes that are going all out this year. It's like people are doing light parties since we are supposed to limit contact with Covid. We're hoping next Christmas we can see family and friends again. Take care. Best wishes, Sara

  2. Thank you for sharing! Love you Aunt Sara and Uncle Des 😍

  3. Wow!!! This brought tears to my eyes! What a tasteful and interesting slice of your lives! Hugs and love for this year!!!


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