Derek Wood and Elizabeth Arnell at Carnegie Hall, High School Honors Orchestras, 2023

Congratulations to Derek and Lizzy for participating in the Carnegie Hall High School Honors Orchestras in February, 2023. There were students from 41 states and three countries. This involved a rigorous audition process, lots of preparation, plus long rehearsals in New York. Both of them have participated in Suzuki Strings, public school orchestras, and the Orchestra of Southern Utah. It is exciting to see years of hard work offer students such wonderful opportunities. Thanks to the families for the photos. Looking up at Carnegie Hall Derek Wood on stage Lizzy at the airport Lizzy was in the Honors String Orchestra and Derek was in the Honors Symphony Orchestra New York from the airplane From Liesl Arnell, Lizzy's mother: Lizzy enjoyed meeting other participants from different states all over the country. At first she was intimidated but once they started playing together she realized she belonged there and was technically as skilled, if not more skilled than her peers. It ...